viernes, 15 de marzo de 2019

4°B Saint Patrick's day Assembly

Next Tuesday March 19th we will be celebrating Saint Patrick's with an assembly. You're invited to see your kids present it and have a little fun.
Please, we are requesting the kids to bring black trousers (or jeans ) and a green T-shirt. They also have to bring their uniform to change after the ceremony. Don't forget the green hat asked previously.

El próximo martes 19 de marzo estaremos celebrando en Día de San Patricio en una asamblea dirigida por los alumnos de 4°B. Están cordialmente invitados a venir a ver a sus hijos participar de la misma. Se les ha solicitado un pantalón negro (o de mezclilla) y una playera verde. También deberán traer su uniforme para cambiarse después de la ceremonia. Favor de no olvidar el sombrero verde que se solicitó para este viernes. Quienes ya hayan cumplido con el mismo, muchas gracias.

miércoles, 13 de marzo de 2019

4°B Assignment

Please, bring next Friday March 15th a Unicel hat decorated in green with shamrocks for the Saint Patrick's festivity, which will be celebrated next Tuesday March 19th.

Por favor, traer para este proximp viernes 15 de marzo un sombrero de Unicel decorado en verde con tréboles, el cuál será utilizado por los alumnos el próximo martes 19 de marzo en asamblea. (Se anexa ejemplo) 

lunes, 11 de marzo de 2019

5th Period Cover page

You may print this page in case you don't want to draw your cover page.

Best Regards

4th gradeNotes from March 11th

6th grade vocabulary March 11th

Bathrope.              Jacket       
Belt .                       Jeans
Beret .                    Knee socks
Blazer .                  Lace
Blouse.                   Loafer
Boots.                     Mittens
Bowtie .                 Pajama
Buckle .                 Raincoat
Cap.                        Scarf
Coat .                      Shirt
Cuff links .             Skirt
Dress.                     Sleeve
Earmuffs.              Socks
Corset .                  Suit
Gloves .                 Sweater

Don't forget to illustrate the vocabulary.

sábado, 9 de marzo de 2019

Study guide 6th grade

Read the following information and answer the exercises (in the link) to study for your test on Monday

Study guide

4th grade study guide

Please read the following information and answer the following worksheets (in the link) to study for the test:

Study guide 4th grade

jueves, 7 de marzo de 2019

Cambridge: Relative clauses

Print the following worksheet

Cambridge: Comparative & Superlative

Print the following worksheet

Cambridge: Adverbs of frequency

Print the following worksheet

Cambridge: How much/ how many

Print the following worksheet

Cambridge: modals

Print the following sheet.

Cambridge March 7th

Complete this exercise if you didn't finish in class

Cambridge March 7th

Draw this mental map in your Cambridge or English notebook

lunes, 4 de marzo de 2019

6th grade Project due Monday March 4th

Let me remind you who didn't present your project that it was due today. You have to draw in a cardboard your favorite hobbies and then present it to your classmates.